Client: The Music (SPA)
Brief: Business Music – 250 Word Article
Type: Print – 15h JUNE 2016

Business Music - Logo - 2016 - Dj Khalab Featured Image


QnA – Dj Khalab


“6THPRLL” is a project between Asics and Slam Jam (Italy).  The release garnered attention by collaborating with a photographer’s, Mustafa Sabbagh and Simone Valsecchi, and music producers Dj Khalab and Dj Hendrix.

“The parallel sixth progression isn’t really a progression in its own right; it is more of a way to move from one chord to another chord that may not be directly related to the first one. Suppose we want to get from a vi6 to a cadence to end a phrase. We can use a descending parallel sixth progression…“

1. You and Hendrix merged styles into a solid future tribal track. Have you worked with DJ Henrix before?

Yes, i’m working with Hendrix since long time. We share the consolle many times, we spent many nights playing records and many days messing around. Firts of all he’s a friend.

  1. Who’s studio space did you use during the collaboration?

We produced it in two different studios: mine, Snob Studio, in Rome and his in Ferrara, were he lives.

  1. Are you outboard or software based producers?

I play with the sampler, sp, i play machine or live, analogic synth and percussion… i work with everything. i dont’ want have any kind of limits, i just want to let my creativity free to explore every field. But i prefer play lives without computer, it’s my way to stay concentrated on what i’m doing without looking at the screen.

  1. What software / hardware / outboard gear did you use in the making of 6THPRLL?

Krumar, Juno 106, Ableton, Sp-404-sx -Roland Juno 60, MiniMoog Voyager,Yamaha DX7-808

  1. Who did the final master for the release?

The master was made in the Neel’s studio, one of my best techno and experimental electronic producer ever.


  1. Have you previously released tracks on Vinyl?


Sure, mine Wonderweel album with Baba Sissoko, the singles extracted from that record, the 7” extracted from the Black Acre ep, the Melt Your Self Down – To Dot rmx for Leaf, etc etc…


  1. Do you and Hendrix have anything coming out on the future?


Not immeidately, we have our times 🙂

  1. Clap! Clap!, Nan Kolè, Daniel Haaksman are a few Italian names associated with quality Afro fusion releases.  What is your special bond with African music, how did it evolve?


That’s true, is a good moment for this sound. In terms of innovation, audience and insiders feedback Clap Clap is at a superior level. Today he’s the producer i have more fun to work with, we have several projects for our future. I’ve been always working on this sound, as a dj and as researcher, and as a producer in the late years.

  1. What new music can we expect from Dj Khalab in 2016?


I’m working on my new music, looking for my way, trying to evolve my sound. I’m very proud of the couple of remixes that are going to be release soon. I’m also working to a project with Clap Clap, i don’t know if it will be release in 2016.


  1. Will you be touring internationally in 2016?

I’m very lazy on the tour dates, i try to make less and selected, but we’re going to announce several more pretty soon.